Symptoms And Causes Of Urine Infection

Our body requires a certain dosage of liquid that it needs to process the working of the body with. But once the working...

25 Effective Home Remedies for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is nothing but fat deposit under the skin. They appear mostly behind the thigh, on the buttocks, hips and belly. The appearance...

9 Worthy Natural Remedies for Body Odor

Imagine attending an office party, only to realize you are stinking like a skunk! What would your reaction be? Fear of being judged,...

Garbhasana (Foetus Pose) – How To Do And Benefits

Yoga which is dated back to pre-Vedic times was originally started in India. Now, it is practiced all over the world. Since yoga...

Benefits Of Yoga For Stress Relief

Modern life is filled with stress. Whether it is job, children or self-judgement, stress can create havoc in one’s life and can lead...

How to Do Gym

Gyms and health clubs are some of the most important in the world that not only make a lot of money but also...

Top 9 Unbelievable Benefits Of Lime

It is true that some of the best things in the world come in very small prices. Lime is found in abundance in...

Malaria Symptoms, Causes, Complications And More

What Is Malaria? Malaria is caused by neither a bacteria nor a virus. It is caused by Plasmodium, a protozoan parasite that causes...

Top 9 Health Benefits of Prickly Pear Fruit

The fruits of the plant we know as prickly pear cactus is what are famously distributed as prickly pear. You might be wondering...

15 Effective Wet & Dry Cough Medicines for Kids and Adults

Cough is a reflex mechanism by human body against internal and factors which affects the respiratory system. The internal factors could be induced...
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